Woke up feeling "not right". Still coughing, but this was worse. Still we started off down to the bridge over the river (at about 1450m) and then began the long climb up to the Takshindu pass (at about 3100m), so a nice 1650m, almost straight up. Of course in some ways that is a good thing - no ups followed by downs, just ups!
(Photo #1: a look at the kitchen of the Nuntale guesthouse)
Stopped for an early lunch/extra breakfast in Nuntale, about half the way up. I was definitely not feeling well, and by now was running a fever. There were some nice views back towards Jubing with clouds for atmosphere, but I was concentrating more on putting one foot in front of the other. Somehow we made it up to the pass, but I was knackered, so I sent Sara and our porter/guide ahead to get a place to stay and to order some apple pie to eat. Meanwhile I hobbled down towards Ringmu at my own slow slow pace. Unfortunately the apple pie was not yet ready by the time I got there and we not so smartly sat outside (in the wind and cold) waiting for it to come. Though the pie was good, my fever was getting worse and I then crawled into bed and stayed there for an hour or so drinking hot lemons and trying to stop shivering. Most of the night was spent sweating or shivering. In hindsight it was the cold winds that were doing me in, what with my trekking in a t-shirt (wet from sweating), and not covering up when we stopped....serves me right I guess.
(Photo #2: Breakfast in Nuntale with a Maoist flag in the background)
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